You know what? I think I probably would !
I am 33 years old and have seen a fair amount of stuff in my time on this planet.
Don't get me wrong, I haven't seen murders and stuff, but I think I've lived my life and experienced a fair amount.
What I'm trying to say is that nothing really surprises me anymore.
Stuff happens in this world, and I just think "Same old Shit, different day".
That came to an end last night while watching TV.
I happened to turn over to BBC1 at about 11pm.
What I saw, quite simply astonished me.
The TV programme was One Life and this particular episode of the series focussed on Old age Pensioner Bodybuilders.
I don't normally like looking at these people coz well, it sort of repulses me (Maybe coz I'm a 7 stone weakling Sinitta).
However, and it is a very big however, one of the people who they interviewed was 86 year old Marjorie Newlin.
She's amazing.
And you know what, despite not normally being attracted to Afro-Carribeans (hope that's P.C.), I probably would.
Prepare to be amazed.