Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sing when it's midnight , you only sing when it's midnight, sing when it's miiiidnight

Super Lisa - Oh for fuck sake, he's singing again.

Grant - Ha ha ha ha, I love that guy.

S.L. - It's 11:30 , I've got to get up at 6:30 and I can't sleep coz he won't stop singing.

Singing man - La ba de, ba do , do be do be do be, da da, do.

Grant - Why does he sing the same line over and over again, and more to the point, what's he singing?

S.L. - I don't F*****G care what he's singing, I can't sleep.

Singing man - La ba de, ba do , do be do be do be, da da, do.

Grant - It wouldn't be so bad if it was always the same volume.

S.L. - Or regular intervals. Even when he hasn't sung it for a while, I can't sleep coz I'm waiting to hear it.

Singing man - La ba de, ba do , do be do be do be, da da, do.

S.L. - Oh God, i can't sleep, bang on the wall Grant, please, make him stop.

Singing man - La ba de, ba do , do be do be do be, da da, do.

Grant (Mimicking Singing man tuneful voice , rhythm and volume) - Shuuut the fuuuuck uup , we are trying to sleeep!

S.L. - Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha

Singing man - La ba de, ba do , do be do be do be, da da, do.

Grant (Mimicking Singing man tuneful voice , rhythm and volume) - Shuuut the fuuuuck uup , we are trying to sleeep!

S.L. - Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha

Singing man -

S.L - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


At 2:41 AM, Blogger michelle said...

having probs posting.. hope this works..

i love your "horrendous language" and btw michele sent me

At 5:11 AM, Blogger Star said...

This sounds like an episode of "Friends"
Michele sent me.

At 5:21 AM, Blogger Kim said...

I'm sooooooooooo glad my days of living in apartments is over with.

At 7:24 AM, Blogger G. Nat Salpigga said...

Ah the joys of apartment living. I used to love the dogs in the apartment above running around up there sounding like a herd of elephants and the neighbors in the middle of the night. No singing, but frequent loud moaning.
Michele sent me.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Kate said...


I just read your blog from 1st Feb 2005. I cannot believe you even remembered me, let alone would write so many nice things about me. I am going to send you an email when i get back this weekend, and it is important that you know I wrote it before I read that blog (i wrote it first on a computer that subsequently had no internet access so had to save it).

I have not been speechless many times in my life, but I am now.

I CANNOT believe you remember about me slapping you - I had forgotten.

I don't know what else to say, except thank you for your kind words. AND I just love the Hawkesmore Diaries - I am sat spellbound as I was there when it all went down and am reliving those moments too. I have many fond memories of those years (as my email says)


At 9:08 AM, Blogger Linda said...

Sounds like my neighbor...only it's not a singing man, it's a teenager and rap music....

Thanks for visiting my blog today - and I'm glad you clarified the whole Johnson remark, lol!


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