Friday, February 09, 2007

10 years younger

Once again, last night, myself and S.L. (that's for Lisa) were watching the box thing in the corner of our lounge.

We watched 10 years younger, which if your (yeah, fuck off Ross) one of the other side of the pond folk, you'll know as a show called "OMG, you look ten years younger ......Dude".

This Channel 4 programme exists because, well quite frankly, we all love to see an old hag get a makeover every once in a while, dont we.

The thing is, this time it was a Yeti like Bloke instead of the usual toothless broad.

They did all the usual shit like, shave his beard and slap on some chateau lafite (wow, I just checked on google. I spelt it right).

They turned a proper neanderthal into some sort of an Adonis ( I know this coz 5 out 5 girls I've spoken to told me so).

I'm sorry, I'm quite drunk at the moment.

This might explain why I have been telling you some boring story about some shit british tv show instead of telling you the real point of this article.

Me, and Super Lisa went to a swanky bar tonight.

On the way in, Super Lisa was asked if she was 18.

Can you tell what the punchline is yet?


At 5:51 PM, Blogger carmilevy said...

It's amazing what a huge amount of makeup, jazzy music and tweaked camera angles can to do an old hag.

I hate these shows with a passion because I seem to enjoy the Before part more than the After part. I can feel myself being mean almost before the opening credits finish their roll.

At 2:42 AM, Blogger M.C. Glammer said...

My ex in California ws always getting carded in bars. She was 32.

At 6:51 AM, Blogger purplefugue said...

I bet that made Lisa' night.

I hate those kinds of reality shows. In fact, I think I'm about to explode from the number of reality shows on TV at the moment. Arrghh!! Whatever happened to good scripts and interesting stories? Or has Hollywood gotten lazy?

*waves *here from Michele!!

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

I dated a girl 21 years my junior once. It made me feel ten years older... which is 11 years younger than I am!

michele sent me,


At 8:03 AM, Blogger Paste said...

No but go on I know you are dying to tell us!

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Chz said...

I miss having that experience with the ex. I'm the toyboy in this relationship, but I'm not passing for 18 any day soon. Even if I was 10 years younger.


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