Friday, February 18, 2005

Late night T.V.

I was watching late night T.V recently(again). I was watching a soap opera for the deaf called Switch.
I don't like soaps much, mainly coz they're shit but this one is great.
There is real emotion and passion right thru this show and believe me when I tell you that there is also real suspense while you await to see what the married woman signs to her lover.

On another topic, I was watching Antiques Roadshow t'other night. As a kid I hated this show but it's actually alright. My mate Rich told me once that some Levellers looking bloke walked in with two sacks of crockery, got his stuff valued at about 1 and a half mill, shoved them back in his sacks and walked out again.
My A.R. story isn't quite as good as that.

Some old lady was showing off some painting of an upper class woman holding a dog.
The expert asked "who is the woman in the picture"?
Old lady: She killed my Mums Dog
Expert: What do you mean (Stupid question I know)
Old lady: My mother was walking her dog in Kensington when a horse and cart ran the dog over.
Expert : Oh dear.
Old Lady : Yes, the woman got out of her cart and was very sorry for what had happened. She said that she would compensate my mother.
Expert : Oh, well that was nice of her
Old Lady : Well, not really. She sent my Mum this picture of her holding her own fit and well dog as a present.
Expert : Ha Ha, but she meant well.
Old Lady : But she killed my Mums dog


At 12:46 PM, Blogger Dom said...

Wow, thats a very odd story, did she get it valued?


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