Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hawkesy and Me (Oh God, I'm so dead Part 3)

For the last Hawkesy party I was determined to have all bases covered.
From early Feb I sketched and numbered every piece of furniture and all ornaments. No room which would be used for the big event would be neglected. I had decided (in my wisdom/arrogance/stupidity) to allow my friends to invite whoever they wanted.
The party was to take place on the Sunday night as my parents weren't leaving for Cornwall until Saturday afternoon. The first indication that things were getting out of hand was the Saturday afternoon before the big night. I was taking my tea break at Sainsbury's when a member of staff who I barely new asked me if I was going to some party. I played dumb (I'm good at that) and asked where it was. She showed me her perfectly drawn map.
It was alright though coz I worked with her.
Anyway, I got home that evening and started the furniture/ornament exodus. My mate darren http://www.stevewinnington.co.uk/chchtkd/images/korea/parkhaeman.gif (the lad on the right of the photo) was gonna be my main little helper.
It took all night and all Sunday morning for us to move everything, get the curtains down and bring the old carpet down from the roof. Twas a major op.
At about 8:00 people started arriving and it was soon quite obvious that word had got around extremely well.
By about 10:30 there were about 150 people in my house and I only new about 50 of them.
Old inky, Plump Jim(I hope he doesn't mind being called that after so much time) and Darren were doormen, the bar was erm locked and my mate Steves CD player was blazing out tunes from the early 90's.
It was all good despite a slight problem kicking some guy called Blue out the door.
People were coming and people were going. No real problems.
At about 1:00 a.m it went wrong, horribly wrong.
A friend from school had been in the down stairs toilet for like an hour. She was just wrecked on more alcohol than her body could handle and had her head down the toilet.
I don't really know what happened except to say that I heard hysterical shouting.
Somebody had got the bottle of bleach, which I had forgotten to remove, and poured it over this girls head. She was probably so pissed that she thought it was water until it started to burn.
We carried her upstairs to the bathroom and called the ambulance. Meanwhile, somebody had broken into the bar and stripped it bare.
The ambulance came pretty quick and took her to A and E.
In the panic, nobody had realised that the music had stopped. (Steves CD player had been TWOCed along with countless CD's).
Of course, when you call an Ambulance, the police are also alerted.
Most of the people had gone by this time so it didn't take long for the police to ask if anyone had seen anything (Of course few people had, and those who had denied everything).
And that was it. My parents returned the following weekend. I admitted I'd had a party but that was about all I was prepared to reveal until C.I.D. came round.
My school friend had to be treated at the local burns hospital and was cruelly nicknamed go faster stripes for a while.
No charges were ever pressed on the wanker that bleached her coz nobody new anything.
Myself and close friends coughed up the cash to restock my parents bar.
What the police couldn't understand was why , when it was such a roudy party, was nothing broken.
Apart from the G.B.H. the stolen alcohol and CD player everything was perfect.


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Bunny said...

Thankyou Kate. I was beginning to think that my Hawkesy adventures were boring to everyone except me.
Luckily for me, these parties were pre-narcotic era and so I managed to avoid such hazards.
I was sprung a few years later when my mother (miss marple)noticed that there was a speck of ash (thats ash not hash)on the window sill of the lounge(Directly below my room).
How do you explain your actions in that situation? Tell her you were having nightmares but that now you don't dream at all! Oh, and you'll never ever do it again


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