Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Veiled Threat

Myself and Super Lisa watched Dispatches debate on Channel 4 on Monday night.

The question which was being debated was something like "Are Muslims enemies of Freedom of Speech"?

Now, as some of you will know, the one thing in this world which makes my blood boil is racism.

Let me clarify this for a moment.

I don't mean jokes, words or phrases which highlight the physical and cultural differences between our races like us calling the Chinese Slitty eyes (they do have) and the Chinese calling us Round eyes (so do we).

I mean racism in its truest most revolting sense.

Malicious, violent, degrading and often inhuman.

Coming back to the point, it seems that one of the major barriers (although there are many) between Islam and the Western World is Freedom of Speech.

I don't believe many people would disagree that one of the cornerstones of Democracy is the ability to speak out for what you believe in. It is an essential right which promotes debate and increases understanding.

There are many great people , statesmen, academics and philosophers who have made some profound statements over the centuries but to me, nobody comes closer than Voltaire who said something like "I hate what you say, but I die for your right to say it". (Please tell me if I'm wrong coz sometimes I do get stuff mixed up, Thanks).

The problem is, I am of the opininon that the west takes this Freedom of Speech Philosophy far to literally and an inevitable consequence of this quest is the huge offence we regularly cause The Muslims of our British and World Society.

Muslims also believe in freedom of speech (I think) but believe that certain areas are exempt (Such as Mohammed as a suicide bomber) . I'm not Muslim, but even I understand why this would be perceived to be Sacreligious.

The two arguments are almost polar and it is therefore almost impossible to come to a compromise.

Now obviously, by the end of the show, opinion had changed somewhat. I guess that's mainly because Mr Khan the lawyer is so good.

I just can't believe that it all has to be spealt out to us like we are 4 year olds (I love Denzil in that Movie).

Yes, freedom of speech is a fundamental principle of democracy and yes we need to hold onto it.

Muslims aren't against this. They just don't like their firmly held beliefs insulted.

This shouldn't be so difficult to understand as in everyday life we constantly modify our behaviour to suit our surroundings (See the works of Sigmund Freud , I think).

If you didn't, you would just embarass the people around you with the things you wanted to say.

It's something you learned when you were a nipper. Don't embarass your parents!

Life is about compromise but when it comes to "Freedom of Speech" there is little from the West on this issue

So, thats all. Sorry but I just had to get it off my chest.

Goodnight U.K. , wherever you are.


At 5:02 AM, Blogger Bunny said...

You can bring up all the examples in the world which highlight double standards.
Don't insult peoples firmly held beliefs for the sake of freedom of speech.
We constantly modify our behaviour depending on our surroundings, so perhaps the question is Why should religion be any different.
If you have a friend whose brother had died after he crashed his car drunk , would you shove drink driving dangers in his/her face. No, you probably wouldn't. Why not? Speech is free after all!!! All I'm saying is that there is a time and a place for everything and there are many ways in which we may reach our goals.
Don't question someones faith by ridiculing it publicly, ask them why they believe.
If you want to encourage religious debate, do so , but in a respectful way which doesn't provoke outrage.
Have some respect, have some fuckin respect. (Not you Kath)
You clearly have the verbal and knowledge ammunition to argue the point till the end of time (Will time end?)
I don't.
What I have is a little common sense.
Not everyone believes what you do and not everyone believes what I do.
Why the fuck would you cement the link between the Muslim faith and a bunch of terrorist assholes, in this manner.
What do expect is going to happen?
All you will do is drive more people away.
That's just fuckin stupid.
You have a right to say what you like but should have a right to say it wherever and whenever you like? Maybe, but I don't think so.
What we need right now is harmony.
That may be an impossible dream but we will never know if we continue to demand our precious freedom of speech with no exceptions.
With regard to Mr Straw and the veils I think their needs to be a compromise too.
As we all know, a very small part of communication is speech. If muslim women continue to insist on wearing the veil in all public situations, they must accept that at times they will be misunderstood.
I think they need to compromise too.
Just use your noddle box as my Dad would say.

At 4:58 AM, Blogger Bunny said...

I'm not offended by what you say, and am happy to accept your views on my blog because it does encourage debate.
What I disagree with is freedom of speech in all places and at all times.
There really are many ways to skin a cat.
By the way, i thought catholics were christian.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Bunny said...

I said that that there were many ways to skin a Cat , not a Kath. Sorry your tummy hurts


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