Monday, January 09, 2006

Fuck off you homeless , vandallising , drunk Fucks.

I love Brighton coz there is so much to do and the City is really multi cultural too.

Unfortunately , in our rush to secure a flat , me and super lisa committed the carnal sin of renting in a bad area of town.

It is full of drunks and many mornings they leave a little vomit pool or two just outside our door.

As much as I feel copious amounts of pity for them (don't know if that's what they are after or not) I hate it when they fuck my shit up.

This morning when I awoke, SuperLisa called me from her car. Some fucker had tried to leaver her passenger door open to get inside.

Although they didn't manage to get into her car and steel her extremely expensive radio/ cassette player , they did manage to properly fuck her door.

Fuck off , Fuck off and Fuck off some more. I'm sick of your shit.

P.S. Hope you find somewhere to stay tonight coz it's cold out there. No really, I do and it is.


At 5:47 AM, Blogger X said...

You should invest in the car from Knight Rider. That thing takes care of itself and will break you out of prison if anything goes wrong.



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